Pics from Canada
New Job , new scenery - I have given up gold mining in the middle of nowhere in Western Australia and swapped to working for a small exploration company based in Perth but whose main asset is some prospective ground at Lynn Lake, Manitoba
Churchill River Diversion - Rat River hydro dam picture doesn't do this justice
My new company Hire Truck - 1964 Dodge 318cui V8 Push button auto -29k miles from new - all in Lynn Lake that wasn't connected to the national roads until 1972
Thompson is a major Nickel Mining and smelting centre no doubt named after one of the clan - note bear warning
This guy -Joey Barnes better known as KoO or King of Obsolete is helping out our drill program -
thought his nickname was also very appropriate for most of our hobbies/obsessions :-)
He unknowingly lent me a great DVD to watch whilst staying in Lynn -
Bank Job :-)
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