Triumphland in the Perth Hills.

A photo taken in September when we were fixing 'Jeff' with Lucas PI as something to do at the weekend. It shows the extent of my Triumph shed that I have been dreaming of for years and finally purchased. (It came with a free house and garden too) . Dimensions are approx 2.5 Triumphs wide by 2.5 Triumphs long + a bit more so plenty of room for storage. Dels stag is hiding on the left complaining that it can't get out to play and the 2000 mk2 that I have just completed refitting with 2.5 running gear is just visible at the back (bootlid only)
Luckily the house was built with the help of an apprentice electrician and I think he practiced fitting lights and powerpoints as I have about 16 sockets and flouro tubes... a fantastic luxury... only issue is the heat in summer... some roof vents are on the shopping list
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