Monday, October 12, 2009

Manifold Finished... almost ready for installation of megasquirt

Fuel rail secured by 5/16UNC threaded bar and locknuts

Just waiting on a few wiring loom connectors to finish off the loom (adapted from a six pot Ford falcon) and to connect the Megasquirt loom to the TPS.

Discovery Throttle cable arrived today and although a bit long it will fit fine and adapt easily once the bulkhead hole is enlarged to Rover proportions.
Fuel hose pretty much done, just waiting on an ebay 300kpa /43psi regulator ex-Ford XR6 to complete the plumbing in the engine bay.
Once the ordered Bosch connectors arrive it will be time to swap the TBI to MPFI !! Beena bit of a drawn out process.. what with work, 3 kids, rebuilding the white Pi and having to use the 2500 everyday.
Guess the Stag should be readied for summer now the 30+ deg days are beckoning as it does have the best aircon.... give me a chance to set up the megasquirt over a few days


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