First off is my old 1975 2500TC converted to 132bhp PI spec with the help of the odd scrap PI and a the one and only Andy Roberts. Pictured at Gross Glockner Pass
about 2500m above sea level and well above the glacier behind. Destination? Munich Beer Festival 1990. No PI issues at this height and above and mintex 1144 pad were just the ticket down the other side.

Found this B&W print on Ebay. Ronnie MacCartney Circuit of Ireland 1971 Mk1 PI. Anyone else know anything about it?

Now many of you will be familiar with James Shackford Slate Grey Mk1 PI with all its mods and general RBRR modification madness.... who however remembers it from the late 1980's in near mint original condition when it had just been exhumed from a private collection in Dorset. (it had a twin from the same collection in Damson that Chris Lennard in the background now owns!!!)

Managed to scan a few old photo's of various old stuff