Monday, September 07, 2009
Sunday, September 06, 2009
New Bits for White PI Part 2 Cam change
Been cleaning up a spare old PI head 218225 (32mm exhaust valves) for possible modification with GT's valves if it passes the crack tests.
This will have to wait 'til Thursday as I'm off to the gold mine, then I'll cart the heads to Luigi's Head Shop for the next plan of attack. Right now I have six hours before I have to wake up for the flight.. yikes...
Saturday, September 05, 2009
New Bits for White PI Part 1 .. Strip down
I have decided to freshen up the top end of my White Mk1 PI as it seems a bit down on top end power compared to Humph's freshly built PI.
I have got a new hybrid camshaft very similar to my mate Humph to try + some new Gareth Thomas valves to build into different head and a set of hybrid Goodparts Roller Rockers of 1.65 Inlet and 1.55 exhaust compared to my current 1.65:1 ratio set.
I will also be using the recently discovered mod of Jag XJ40 springs which look very good quality - are not too hard on cam lobes and cost the princely some of about 80p each from Jag Genuine Parts!!!
Stripping down the head from the Pi for the first time in about 7 years was a fairly easy process. Got it all off in about an hour. First suprise was that the rather crap Racetoration stainless head nuts were almost finger tight, certainly no more than 45lb ft so they will be consigned to the bin. Obviously have lost their torque and Stanparts finest will be going back on... what was I thinking back in 2002!!!!
Considering the lack of torque on the head the gasket looked perfect with no sign of any overheating or blowing. Not suprising really as it it was running really well apart from missing a second from it's ultimate lap time.
Whipped out the cam followers and the first sign of wear. 4 or 5 showed serious signs of surface hardening picking up so I expect the cam to be fairly secondhand once I get it out tommorrow.
Looks like the new cam might have more effect that I had hoped for .... EXCELLENT......
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
TSOA Wanneroo Sprint
Fun day with beautiful weather.
Humph was using his freshly re-cammed 2.5 and I was testing my new brakes. We both ended up with good results and both have things to improve
We both got PB's on the short circuit and Humph just pipped with his new found bhp on the long circuit... time I fitted the same cam plus a few more head mods I think as my Pi is a little off the boil bhp wise after 7 years hard use.

There were a few casualties including the 2.5PI saloon of Paul Dodds dropping a rod which was a shame as it has been improving fast.
Good fun to be competing with the Westfields and PRB Clubmans (Caterham copies) and an supercharged Exige (which was obviously driven pretty conservatively!)
My brakes weren't quite right so a change of disc diameter and pad material beckons + some cooling ducts. I will be trying 296mm DBA Skyline discs (currently 280mm) and Ferodo Ds2500 asap